
IFA has two Membership categories - Football Coaching Providers and Football Competitions.

Both categories have a set of standards that must be met in order for membership to be granted. This process ensures legitimacy, confidence and transparency within our marketplace and in the eyes of players, parents, coaches and the wider football community.

IFA supports Applicants and Members by providing guidance and direction in order for the standards to be met. This includes providing documentation and business advice that can be applied to the Member’s operations.

Value of Membership with IFA

  • Credibility

    Official Certification document as an IFA Member

    Official recognition within the wider Australian ‘football family’ as an IFA Member

    Listed organisation on the IFA website

    Approved usage of IFA Member badge of recognition

  • Advocacy

    Representation as an IFA Member in the critical conversations of the game. Including, but not limited to;

    Ongoing representation and lobbying of Government and Local Councils for fair and equitable access to council grounds

    Ongoing representation and lobbying of Government and Local Councils for fair and equitable charges of hire for council grounds

    Ongoing representation with FA and the State Members

    Written support from the IFA when applying for Government Grants

    Marketing and promotion of the IFA – it’s purpose, vision, mission, and values

    Public support to key community issues and charities

  • Operational Best Practice & Support

    Annual updates of standardised employment contracts for coaches

    Annual updates of standardised player agreements

    Annual updates of standardised partnership contracts for work with clubs and schools

    Annual updates of ‘Essential Insurances’ for operation

    Annual updates of ‘Essential First Aid & Safety’ for operation

    Discounted offers with IFA Partners and Suppliers, including gear and equipment.

  • Accountability & Transparency

    Charter on Governance standards of the IFA (checks and balances, committee member appointment, rotation, conflicts etc)

  • Pioneering

    Being part of a movement established to cut through the red-tape and unify the game. For better outcomes and a better future – individually and collectively – for the game!

Membership Process

  • Step 1

    Complete the Application Form to begin the Membership Process. Applicants must meet the IFA Standards for new members. IFA will support applicants if there are any concerns with meeting the standards.

  • Step 2

    Your application will be assessed by the IFA Board and you will be notified of the outcome within two weeks. If there is anything we need to clarify, we will be in touch.

  • Step 3

    Once your application has been approved and the membership fee has been paid, you will be a member of the IFA! You will now have six months to meet the IFA Standards for renewing members. IFA will support you through this process to ensure the standards are achieved and your organisation is operating with best practices.

  • Step 4

    After six months, we will contact you to complete the Renewal Form. After meeting the IFA Standards for renewing members, your membership will be renewed for another six months.